Monday, 24 September 2012

Savour the light

I know I have said this before, but I am going to say it again, and again, and again *laugh* Our life, all of our lives, are designed to be joyful, bring us love and vibrant energy. THIS is what we all signed the contract for, THIS is why we are here and aside from any other purpose we feel in our soul, having joy, light and laughter is ALL of our life purposes and our birth right.

You can begin to enjoy this principle by simply savouring the joy and love you already have in your life. The rich and beautiful relationships with friends. loved ones and family. The view outside your window, the texture of the colours and the play of the light. The finer details of enjoyable conversations, day dreams and interactions. All of the things that bring joy to your life.

Give thanks for the joyful moments, savour the beauty and the wonderful moments in gratitude. 

Continue to do this daily.

Make a mental catalogue of all the wonder and excitement and dwell on these moments.

Keep giving thanks, keep dwelling on the beauty.

Before too long, the beauty, the wonder and the joy increase.

With love and light

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