Wednesday 11 May 2011

Honour what your body is telling you...

Your body gives you clear signals when it requires something, is lacking in something or needs something. It is not unusual to crave certain foods, to feel pain when you are over exerting yourself or to yawn when you are tired. These are all clear messages from your body and most people have learnt to interpret their own signs and signals.

However,your ability to listen to what your body is telling you can develop past the obvious signs and delve far deeper to identify specific needs and requirements.

It is also possible to redirect your body in terms of craving foods and activities that are healthful for you rather than harmful.

Sit in a quiet place (I prefer a dark space for this particular meditation, however the specifics are really up to you) close your eyes and clear your mind of extra thoughts by concentrating on your breathing. When you feel completely relaxed and your mind clear, ask your body for what it needs. You will get an answer and it will be the truth, you can trust this instinct.

I also complete a periodic body scan where I run through my physical self from top to bottom checking each cell, tissue and organ are receiving all of their requirements and are functioning at full capacity. For me this visualisation is easy since I have a bit of a science background. However, this doesn't matter, the depth and accuracy of your reading of yourself is not dependant on scientific accuracy at all, it is dependant on how well you listen. So long as you have the basics of which bit is approximately where, you will be able to ear what your body tells you.

The final stage of this meditation is to surround yourself in a powerful emerald green light. Imagine this light taking any toxic energies from you and request your body to crave only foods and activities that are healthful for you.

I like to have a nice refreshing peppermint tea after this meditation. It is really

It may take you a few times to be able to clearly hear and trust your body's messages to you. With patience and practice though, you will clearly start to hear your requirements.

I must add though, there are of course times when my body requires other medical help and it tells me this too. "Seek help for this" is a message I hear when I have a problem that cannot be easily fixed through my own arts. Never ignore this message or symptoms you feel are a cause for concern.

Have fun learning to listen to your body and hear the messages you are being'll be surprised (maybe) about how much detail you will be given.

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