Wednesday 13 July 2011

Small things can have huge results

It is funny to think  about all the changes I have made to my life over the past few years. Each of them was only a very small thing really and not at all difficult to accomplish. I started out with writing and cleaning and cooking good fresh food. These are things anyone can do, or learn easily to do. The difference it has made though, is extraordinary.

Seven or eight years ago I was depressed, without hope and feeling like the world would be better off without me and I without it. Hard to believe? True none-the-less.

Small changes lead to other small changes. Learning to rid myself of unwanted thoughts through writing led me to investigate the power of words more closely, which led me to making lists of the things I desired and leaving behind the things I didn't, which led me to writing with purpose, which led me to publishing children's stories, which led me to writing this blog! Cool huh?

There are more examples of this kind of progression within the story of my own life than I can recount in a single blog post. I also know the people reading this post are intelligent and capable people and got the message with the first example *smile*, so I won't bore you with more.

The message then is really simple... a small change now will have a huge and significant impact on your future. Don't discount the effects of the little things (remember the Butterfly effect? - there is an earlier post on this if you would like more information) those small steps will lead to other small steps, which will lead to others in turn. For each small step you take, the next one will appear in front of you. When you look back later, you will see this progression of small steps and be joyful that you took the first one. Change one little thing and you are effectively changing the course of the future for the better.

With love and light

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