Monday 11 July 2011

Unleash your inner power

Are you making plans and living your dream yet? No? Maybe there's one more step you need to take then.

Being a powerful, spiritual being who is able to manifest your desires with ease and create reality in a loving and supportive way might seem a little intimidating at first. I assure you, that this is the being you are. You are already creating your life and making real the things you think about. All that's needed is for you to do it consciously and with intent. Are you afraid to be powerful?

It is natural to feel uncertain and certainly natural to be hesitant to wield such extraordinary gifts, however, you are completely safe in manifesting your dream. Remember you are not doing this alone, there is a whole divine team working with you and the laws of the universe assisting. If you are creating a dream with love in your heart there is no way that it can go wrong!!!! I promise this is true.

Give yourself permission to be powerful. Unleash your inner power and let the magic, love and vitality flow from you. You are a divine and perfect being, and nothing that you create with this in mind will ever be harmful to yourself or others. While you may get things you don't expect or take turnings you didn't think you would on your path, no-one and nothing will be harmed.

It is safe to be a powerful being because you are loved and protected.

Unleash the power within, give yourself permission to be the most amazing you and to live the dream of your full potential.

With love and light