Wednesday 23 March 2011


This is one of those topics that can raise people's hackles, create intense discussions and upset people. It is most definitely not my intention to do any of the above. I do feel it is a topic that requires discussion and that can be so helpful in our daily lives.

So, at the risk of alienating people...I want to discuss the concept of faith.

Please understand I am not talking about any particular religious creed or cannon when I use the word faith. I am talking about an ability to believe that there is someone, or if you prefer, something that is supporting, guiding and perhaps even orchestrating the whole plan.

I believe in so many things and not in one particular creed or ideology. Angels are not the only beings I have faith in. All of these 'things' lead to one major consequence for me personally.

I have someone to ask for help when no earthly being CAN help me.

When I am worried, scared, afraid, alone, restless, distressed, depressed, in pain, discomforted (the list goes on, but I'm sure you get the picture) I have something positive that I can do. I pray. I ask for help, divine intervention and miracles. What's more, I receive them too!

It is highly possible, that the manifestation of miracles in my own life are really a result of my positive thinking and an ability to calm myself with prayer in order to see a situation more's possible...but I think Even were this to be true, who cares? It works!

Let me give you some examples from my own life where the power of prayer and faith in the divine has helped me in some way.

At the Angel Intuitive conference I attended, I was introduced to Archangel Chamuel. One of the many responsibilities of this particular celestial being is to help find lost 'things'. Yes, Archangels are interested in helping when you loose your keys, they care THAT much. I had very recently purchased a new pair of proscription glasses and at the conference, I lost them. I was devastated. It was a 12 hour drive to get home which I couldn't complete without my glasses. They'd cost hundreds of dollars which I didn't have in reserve at that moment. I tried desperately to find a bit of peace about the situation, but I was struggling. I sat down on the grass outside the conference centre, closed my eyes to try and remember where I had seen them last. It was then that I remembered Chamuel. I cleared my mind and phrased a very specific request, "Chamuel, please can you help me to find the glasses that I have lost today. I need them to return home and would greatly appreciate any assistance you could give in making sure they are returned to me." I then spoke to one of the 'helpers' at the conference, who seemed to empathise greatly, but also seemed to hold out very little hope that I would see them again. Imagine my surprise when less than 20 minutes later, the same lady walked over to me and placed my glasses on the desk in front of me. (My surprise was certainly no less than hers either). There were hundreds of people at this conference and thousands on the grounds, I had no idea and could give no specifics about where I thought I had left them, yet 20 minutes later, there they were. I hastily offered a prayer of thanks to Chamuel for his assistance. (Courtesy is not lost on Angels any more than it is on humans).

I am purely terrified of the dentist. I am not talking about being a bit scared and nervous, I am talking the "my knees are shaking, I cannot speak, I cry uncontrollably and I am paralysed by it, "kind of fear. Needless to say, this makes for very few dentist visits. This then, results in some 'not so perfect' teeth. Last year, my teeth started to deteriorate rapidly, I was in constant pain and could barely eat. Still, I refused to go to the dentist. It got to the point where I had eaten nothing other than yogurt, mashed potato and pureed soup for 4 months, and slept in only 2 or 3 hour snatches at a time. I lost 10kg, was desperately hungry all the time, and found my resilience to life was ebbing quickly. In desperation, I asked Archangel Raphael what to do. There can be no surprise that his answer was to seek professional, medical attention immediately before I put my health and even my life at serious risk from the constant nerve infections and lack of nutrition and sleep. "Some big fat help he was, " I thought to myself, "figured that one out all on my own. Can't do it, even now I am in pain." I began to dream every night of going to the dentist and of it being a...well...if not pleasant, at least tolerable experience. Each night as I went to bed, I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords tying me to people, places or experiences that have a negative impact or that might be preventing me from a happy healthy life. Each night, Michael informed me to let go of all fear and be able to walk forward fearlessly. Once again, I felt myself thinking, "Easy for you to say, Angels don't have to go to the dentist. Yet, the dreams continued and I continued to pray for a solution. (Note to self, no matter how red-headed, or how Irish my ancestry may be...I am NOT more stubborn than an angel with a The final straw was a friend of mine, unaware of my teeth issues due to my ability to hide pain (both physical and emotional) from those outside of me, related her story of an excellent dental experience. She gave me the card, knowing I was new to the area and couldn't possibly know the good dentists around. She said, "File this away, you never know when you're going to need one, and it's good to know the dentist you're booked into comes with a high recommendation." I sighed, thanked her, and rang for an appointment that afternoon. As i lay down to sleep that night I knew there would be no more dreams, however, I could feel angels smiling all around me.
That's not the end of the story though. Fear can be tenacious! The day before the appointment I was driving for 15 hours to find a way home through the devastated flood area in North Queensland. The day of the appointment arrived and I was dead tired. I got up and in the car with fear controlling every part of me. I felt nauseous, shaky and sweaty. As I drove through the country side, I hit a kangaroo that bounded right out in front of me from the early morning mist. I got out of the car and saw how badly injured it was. It was too bad to be able to take it to an animal hospital (the closest being hours drive away...I was in the middle of nowhere). I knew what I had to do, despite how distasteful it was to me. I had to end it's life quickly and humanely, sobbing the entire time and asking for forgiveness. I returned to my car, and continued to drive, still crying. An hour later, I reached the dentist office wrung out from fear, grief and exhaustion. I received a phone call before I went in saying my son was on evacuation notice in the area he lived in. More worry, fear and distress heaped upon my being so that I was almost physically cowed. Some how, I walked from the car to the surgery and gave my name. As I walked in, the dentist asked me, "How are you today?" I burst into uncontrollable tears, (That poor man) climbed into the chair and said, "Please, just fix them." As I lay back I remembered I hadn't asked for help. Immediately, i asked Raphael to intervene, to help me be calm, to remove the source of my fear, to guide the dentists hands to ensure a quick and painless journey and swift recovery, to hold my hand so I wouldn't be afraid." A green light appeared around me, every nerve ending tingled. I felt energy shift from my base chakra and my solar plexus. A warm pressure enveloped my hand and I felt the soft brush of lips and wing feathers on my cheek. I cannot remember a single moment of my appointment past this one. I had 4 teeth surgically extracted and my gum and bones cut to achieve this end. I don't remember a thing.

Ask for help! Mean it with your whole being! Accept the advice given and be open to the answers.

Angels love us, they want to help us whether it is finding a lost pair of glasses or facing a terrifying fear.

Imagine what the world will be like, when people pray instead of worry.

Thank you Chamuel and Raphael xo

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