Tuesday 22 March 2011

Random Acts of Kindness...

I'm sure we have all heard of  this concept...random acts of kindness. I am also sure, that most of us at some stage have done just this, without even thinking about it.

Have you consciously and truly reflected on the affect of a kind word, a gesture, a small and seemingly insignificant act, on the person who benefited from it?

It is easy to appreciate a smile when you expected a frown and fantastic when someone praises you or the work you have done. Why then is it not so easy to consciously act this way towards others?

Being a high school teacher, this power (for that is truly what it is) has been invaluable to my working day. If a student expects (even wants) you to yell at them or otherwise discipline them for something, and you consciously respond with kindness and positive affirmation, the affect can be truly profound. So many students have very abruptly changed their attitude towards me and the subjects I teach, just because I was kind. This is not to say that discipline is lacking in my classroom. Any one who knows me will be laughing hysterically at the thought. I am a very strict disciplinarian, the lines and expectations of behaviour are clearly drawn and any who dare step over the line learn swiftly that this is NOT a boundary worth pushing. Despite this (or maybe because of it) and because I always try to project the thoughts of tolerance, respect and kindness even while I am issuing instructions, students respond.

Adults are the same!

A random act of kindness can be anything really and the best ones in my opinion, cost you nothing at all. The best and one of the most positive is courtesy! If someone pushes and shoves you in a crowded hallway or shopping centre with no regard for your personal space or feelings, the best gift you can give them is a smile. If a receptionist or salesperson is rude or abrupt, thank them (sincerely mind you) for their help, even if you feel it was limited. Someone steals "your" car park, give them a wave, and not the one or two fingered variety either. If your boss is demanding and doesn't ever seem to thank you for the work you have done, show them the way. Thank them for their constant vigilance and for making their expectations clear to you.

Compliment, praise, smile, say thank you and your welcome! Try it for just one day and see the results.

If you sense someone around you is having a bad time, moment or day, take the time to write them a quick note telling them something positive about themselves or something you admire. For example, "It's great coming into work when you're here, I love the way you are able to...."

This moment, costing you nothing but a few moments of your time and maybe the piece of paper you write it on, can be the turning point for someone.

Please be kind.

Do this today, right now, email, text or tell someone something you admire about them or the way they work. Watch the sun shine from their eyes...smile.

If this person reacts with aggression or hostility, remember this means they are not used to kindness from others. (What a sad place to be, where courtesy and kindness are so foreign you feel threatened by it). Forgive, project feelings of comfort (just think it hard enough and it will reach them) and ask your angels to help them find more kindness.

I swear to you, this works. You will be surprised by the affect you may have within your circle of influence. Be the positive factor in people's day, and expect courtesy from others.

Thank you Gabrielle for the words of truth you helped me write tonight

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