Monday 28 March 2011

Operating from the ego...

When I talk about ego, I am not referring to the healthy love and respect everyone should cultivate and develop for and about themselves. I am referring to a place/way of being that excludes thoughts of anything except self.

The ability to love others, accept people without judgment, to care and respect all living things...this is a divine concept. It is the way of looking at the world that I strive for even though I am imperfect. Seeing the world from this perspective, is seeing the world as though through the eyes of an angel, and it is a wonderful and healing place to operate from. All positivity, acceptance, respect, kindness and patience comes from this part of you. Everyone belongs in this place and everyone has the ability to make decisions based on the lessons of love that angels have to give. Thoughts that are divine and pure come from this place and each thought or action from here bring you closer to the divine.

However, it is unfortunate to me, that we also have the "ability" to operate and make decisions based solely in the ego. This is the source of selfishness, negativity, maliciousness, manipulation and deceit. Strong words I know, but these are the results of acting always from the ego. When someone is behaving in this way and creating hurt and negativity around them instead of love, patience and acceptance, they can be said to be acting from the ego. They have forgotten the divine grace that is the heritage of us all and our "true" selves.

This concept of ego is foreign to divine beings. They just can't grasp making decisions without concern or regard for the consequences to others when we speak with our ego and not our divine and loving selves. They can help us to minimise the time we spend here though.

When we are "home" (heaven, whatever term you wish to call this place) we cannot operate from the ego any more than angels can. It just seems some of us do forget these lessons when we arrive in our current incarnation.

No one can exist solely in the ego and not be harmful to themselves and others.

It is not hard to start operating through our divine selves really. It is a matter of dismissing the negative from our own thoughts and from what we hear from others, and accepting that the only true and pure information comes from our true and divine selves. Allow others to grow and see these truths in their own way and in their own time. In other words don't 'punsih' or reprimand people who are struggling with seeing positives and ignoring negatives. But also, don't let these people rule your life choices and responses. Forgive them, project your own love and kindness towards them, and move on.

I have little enough time in this incarnation to spend on doing the work I contracted to do while I was here. I most certainly don't wish, nor do I choose, to spend this time with people who do not attempt to connect with their divine self as much as possible. I love them as I love all people and I can forgive their hurtfulness.

It is only a matter of deciding, and then asking for help and support to 'hear' only the positive information and accept that love, truth, kindness and respect is our heritage.

With many blessings


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