Wednesday 30 March 2011

Protecting your dreams...

Manifesting what you want for your own life is very easy. If you want a bit more information on this, please refer to an earlier post on that particular topic. One of the most important things to the process of creating the life and opportunities that you want is to be precise and to stay focused.

This can be difficult if you happen to have within your circle of influence, a dream stealer or two. If this is the case, then you need to learn to protect your dreams and goals from being taken from you.

Dream stealers are people who for whatever reason, decide to denigrate you, your dream or anything related to you being successful. Most of these people don't even realise that is what they are doing, they believe they are "pointing out the things you haven't thought of", or "keeping you grounded", or "protecting you from yourself," "being realistic" and other such excuses.

The bottom line is this though, only you are allowed to make choices for you! No one actually has the right to take a dream from another.

As I said though, some of these people may be your closest friends and family and may not be aware that they are taking something away from you. So here's a few points to remember that might help you protect your dreams and goals from dream stealers:

1. Forgive dream stealers for their actions and ask for divine help in making sure their words are not absorbed by your ego and that you can cut the cords tying you to them.

2. Don't feel obligated to share your dreams with anyone you choose not to. If you feel you can share your dream and it turns out the person is a dream stealer. CHOOSE not to tell them any more. You don't have to be rude to them or tell them off, just take back your power to decide, and tell them nothing else.

3. Keep focused on what it is you want for yourself. Keep your visualisation folder with you, look at it everyday or night and imagine you have what you desire already.

4. Ask for angelic intervention to help you keep focused and keep your intentions fixed on a desirable outcome.

5. Remember, you create your own reality, no one can choose for you. A dream stealer can only be effective if you let them be.

6. Keep your ego in check. If you are thinking negative or pessimistic thoughts, then it is not angelic or divine messages, it's your ego trying to worm it's way in and self sabotage.

7. Ask Archangel Michael to help you with this and help you to fulfil your life's purpose. Trust me, he's a great helper...otherwise I wouldn't have had the confidence to start writing again let alone actually be a successful, published author.

Living the life you want, and getting positive and desirable opportunities and outcomes is a matter of CHOICE. You hold the power in your own life, you can decide what life you live, and you can ask for divine help in seeking it out.

Please remember only positive and fulfilling information comes from a divine source, anything else comes from the ego (either yours or someone else's)...angels just don't put anyone down...they just don't do that :)

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always so timely. Col and I have a manifestation folder in a mental sense, we haven't done a physical one yet, but we are at the moment discussing ways to make things happen and how things could go in our future. We have a couple of dream stealers amongst our family mostly, so thanks so much for the help on how to deal with this at such an opportune time.
