Wednesday 4 May 2011

Recieving messages...

One of the easiest ways I have found of receiving direct and explicit guidance to any situation from my divine guides is to practice automatic writing.  This is actually the way these posts are

I sit in a quiet spot, making sure I will be undisturbed for a period of time. Then I take a few cleansing breaths to expel any toxic energies or negative feelings before I begin.

In the case of asking about a specific situation, I then write this situation at the top of the page, take another deep breath and ask for any and all information I may be given or need to know about the situation. I then take up the pen (or the keyboard) and begin to write everything that comes into my head. I don't edit or censure this information, nor do I worry about spelling or punctuation, I just let the words flow out of me in an uninhibited fashion.

Sometimes, the first couple of pages are just a further expulsion of negative energies and feelings I need to get rid of before the 'real' information comes out. So when I re-read the information I have written down, I bear this in mind. Remember the messages you get from divine sources are never negative or hurtful, they are only encouraging and supportive. All else comes from the ego.

What you are reading are the messages you are meant to know and to hear.

I find this method of asking for help a really good one for a couple of reasons...once words are written, they have more power (you want the powerful messages given to you to have maximum benefit) and also, I can go back and re-read them later if I find I cannot remember the details.

The negative bits (if any) get burnt for the rubbish they are and this is then a two fold form of healing; getting rid of unwanted energies and accumulating the great ones. How can you loose?

Try it for yourself and discover the wonderful benefits of automatic writing. (It lets me speak to you fact, I have to go back and reread a lot of these posts to even recall what the information was about...after all, these are not really messages for me, they are for you)

Have a wonderful day


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