Wednesday 8 June 2011

Don't be afraid to be different...

I'm going to start today's writing with another school story ( and this story shows just how perfectly we are conditioned.

I can't even remember the full circumstances that bought about this statement from a student of mine a few years ago. One student was having a particularly bad day and was behaving in a particularly challenging manner. Finally, wanting to leave the room, he chose to call me a few profane names. The entire room went silent as every other student held their breath to see what I would do. Obviously foul language is ALWAYS inappropriate in my classroom, as I have mentioned before, I am a very strickt disciplinarian, especially about forms of address and respect. I looked at this student for a few minutes and said, "Hmm. I'm sorry, I think you'll have to leave. That was completely unimaginative and unoriginal. I have been called that a few times in my career. I simply cannot have students in my class that refuse to put their best effort into everything they do." I filled out the appropriate paper work to send this student off to the office for further disciplinary action and sent him on his way. As he left I picked up where I left off in the content I was teaching as though the whole incident had not happened. After a minute or two I noticed the other students were all staring at me still and had not continued with their work. I sighed, put my chalk down and said, "What's the matter? Do you think I was unfair? Should we discuss this a bit?" One student piped up from the back of the room, "You're just not normal are you Miss?" I cracked up laughing and replied, "Goodness me no! Who'd want to be "normal" how boring." They all just sat there looking at me. "What would you like me to do? Rant, scream, shout and yell at you all because one person is having a bad day? He didn't mean what he said to me, I suspect he's got other stuff going on. But if it makes you feel better, I can take it personally and take it out on all of you if you like." (All of this was said with a smile on my face). "Nah Miss, we're good, it's just, you aren't normal are you? No one else would do what you just did."

These students weren't shocked at the names the student had called me, or the fact that I had asked him to leave the classroom. Those things they expected from the school environment. It was the fact that I responded in a way they were unfamiliar with. It made them nervous and a bit confused. Lesson learnt for them for the day was that being different can be an advantage and is really nothing to worry about. When they purposefully confronted me with my difference, they were expecting me to be as horrified as they would be to stand out from the crowd or maybe that I would get defensive and explain away my actions. If this is what they expected, they were out of luck. I am different, weird, strange and all those other character descriptions given to people who act outside the "normal" and "conventional" modes of operation. Quite proudly so, in fact.
We were all made as unique individuals, every cell in our bodies is different from every cell in everyone else's. We all have gifts, abilities and even perceived "frailties" but ALL of these things make us who we are. I feel blessed everyday, that there is no one on this planet quite like me. There is no one else who does things exactly as I do them, who responds exactly as I do or anything else for that matter. My difference is what makes me who I am compared to anyone else. It is a source of pride not shame.

Step outside of societies expectations of you and just be you no matter how different that makes you appear. While you are trying to be someone else, the real, blessed and perfect you is being squished!!

With love and light

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