Monday 20 June 2011

How rituals can help

I started today like most other week days by doing all of the "Mummy" things I have to do and then lighting my white sage incense to clear away any negative energies, checking and updating my face book page, making a cup of tea, opening the whole house to air and create air flow, then going out to check on my garden and meditate on what I was going to write today. It occurred to me then, that this process in itself was like a ritual or ceremony. I complete the same tasks everyday, and the day doesn't feel quite right on those occasions where I haven't made time to do these things.

When I stopped to think about it, I have many little rituals or ceremonies I perform under certain circumstances. For instance, when my thinking seems all jumbled up with random thoughts about a lot of different things, I automatic write to get rid of "stuff" that is not serving my higher purpose, then burn the pages with some white sage. When i feel particularly vulnerable, I light a candle and say a prayer for divine assistance. When I want answers to questions I meditate or I use my angel oracle cards to "listen" to the messages of my divine team. When I am acting as a conduit for divine information I draw. All of these simple routines are actually small rituals that assist me in focusing my will on pure and divine intentions.

This is the real benefit of any such ritual or ceremony. It is easy to get a little bit mired in day to day earthly concerns and to focus on what is not going right in that moment. However, allowing yourself to stay in this place only manifests more of the same. It is just as easy to create a ceremony for yourself that rids your thinking of negativity and helps you to focus on your divine intentions so that when the universe acts to assist you, it will have only the positive and beautiful to act on.

There are so many different methods on doing this and everyone has their own idea on what works best. Really though, the ONLY thing that matters is that it feels right to you. I can only give you the things that work for me, it is then up to you to find the things that assist you the most.
Having said that, I'd like to share some rituals that have helped me and continue to help me to focus my divine intentions and live in moments of love and alive energy rather that focusing on the things that don't have any real relevance to me being here...

1. Writing down your goals, dreams and intentions through positive affirmation: Keep a list, and when things seem to be going off track, reread your list. Laminate one and put it in your purse, it's easy to do.

2. Write down the things you are grateful for and feel blessed for having experienced. When you do this everyday, you are focusing on the good around you and the love you feel for others and the world. I call it my gratitude list and like to take time everyday to praise what I loved about the day and give thanks for it (a car park that was easy to get in to and out of, a great cup of coffee, my boys leaving me one chocolate biscuit to have with my coffee, etc)

3. Burning incense (especially white sage) and imagine all negative and unwanted thoughts float away with the smoke. I also imagine a protective barrier surrounding myself with the smoke to prevent any further negativity.

4. Automatic writing: Take pen and paper and let the thoughts flow from you in whatever order they come. Waste no time worrying about spelling, punctuation or grammar, just get it all out and then get rid of it.

5. Meditation: just sitting quietly and clearing your mind of any conscious thought. Focus on breathing in and out as well as really deeply.

6. White lighting: Imagine yourself and your loved ones surrounded by intense white light which acts as a restorative and protective energy.

7. When you're worried, say a prayer: It doesn't matter who you pray to or even the words you use, just ask for help when you need it.

I have written posts on all of these different rituals over the last couple of months that goes into some more details about the processes I use while completing them. So if you would like further information, please feel free to check out some of those.

Bottom line is, the use of rituals, routines or ceremonies benefits you by being able to keep you focused on what it is you really desire for yourself and the world around you. When your entire mind is focused on positive, loving thoughts, the universe will act to create more love and positivity for you and with you.

With love and light

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