Tuesday 3 April 2012

When things go wrong

I was thinking yesterday about what happens when things go wrong, meaning not in the way we may have planned or intended. It is really easy to say to someone who is having this difficulty, "But there is a lesson for you to learn, or perhaps this is the way it was meant to be," However, if you are the person who is facing the difficult road and experiencing the discomforts, none of these sayings actually provide much comfort or help out in the situation.

For instance, yesterday I flew with my 4 year old from North Queensland where we live, to visit my oldest son in Brisbane. We woke at 6am in order to get to the airport 2 hours drive away, the required hour before departure time at 11am. We arrived at the airport just after 10am and settled in with a snack box and a few stories to wait out the hour. Just for a bit of background information, the four year old has been counting down the days till he sees his big brother for about a month; he was terribly excited and therefore was having some difficulty being patient and sitting still. "It's only an hour to wait, then an hour and a half flight, we'll be fine" I was thinking to myself.
We board the aircraft, all is well. We seemed to be waiting a really long time to taxi onto the runway. This is a really small airport with only two flights a day, so I knew we weren't waiting our turn at the runway. The pilot comes over the intercom and informs us there is a slight technical difficulty and they were waiting on the civil aviation authority to give them clearance to fly. next thing we all know, we are being disembarked with apologies and the hope the problem would be rectified soon. OK, so now we were facing a four hour delay with a tired and excited four year old...still manageable, can still find ways to make this work without us both going a bit crazy. i offered up a silent thank you to my team for helping the crew see the problem before we were air born (could have been a far worse scenario) and settled in to wait. As the time dragged on and there seemed to be no solution forth coming, the little on being more and more affected by the stress energy of all of the people around us and therefore being aggressive, and loud and rude, I began to feel a little of the stress myself.

I told myself that there was a message in this and all of those other things, but as you can imagine, it was not helping at the time. I had choices naturally. I could just jump on the blame band waggon with the other 100 or so passengers, this would have been easiest. However, I chose to offer up a silent wish for a resolution to the situation. I asked that everyone involved was kept calm, that there was a solution on the way that would keep everyone happy, that there was a way in which the four year old could be prevented from going supernova as I had run out of distraction and entertainment ideas (In my defence, it ended up being a 6 hour delay).

So what happened? I felt immediately calmer and felt the effects of everyone else's stress wash off me. A little girl came over and asked to play and read stories to my little one, thereby keeping them both distracted. The mother of this other child an I made eye contact and sighed in unison, knowing our babies were still safe under our watchful eyes, but happy in each others company, and to top it all off, we were able to board and be on our way not long after.

The lesson? Who knows *laugh* the reason? I don't need to know *smile* We stayed, we were calm, we were safe, the solution came to hand and now...we move on.

Thanks team for helping out, glad I could do whatever job it was I needed to do.

With love and light

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